Struggling to Find Profitable Arbitrage Items to Sell on eBay?

Find Thousands of Hot Selling Items With The Click Of A Button With Our Hot Item Finder Software

Supported Suppliers

These are the stores where the seller would source their items

USA, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Germany and Italy.

USA Only

How Does It Work?

Find Sellers on eBay

We'll show you how to easily find existing eBay sellers that are sourcing items from online retailers so you can clone their hot selling products.

Run A Search

Sit back while our tool scrapes all the hot selling products from the sellers you've identified.

Upload To eBay

Within minutes, you can download the Amazon ASINs, ready to upload using any listing tool that supports a CSV file such as AutoDS.

Intelligent "Matching" Algorithm To Maximise Your Profits And Keep Your eBay Account Clean


When running a search, you can optionally choose to try an "exact match" search. Our software will then scrape the UPC/EAN code from the eBay seller's listings and search for these on the source retailer, to get an exact match.

Title Match

As a fall back for exact match searches, we use the eBay title to try and match the same product on the source retailer. As these matches are not always accurate, we provide you with a product image from eBay, as well as the source store, so you can easily compare them to see if they are the same.

User Friendly Interface With Powerful Filtering To Get You Profitable Items Fast

The easy to use interface allows you to see at a glance which products on the source store match the same products that have sold on eBay.

You can then filter products further by profit range, sold count, reviews and more. 

Only items you are happy with are counted towards your monthly search limits!

What Other People Are Saying


We recommend Profit Scraper's Item Finder Tool to all our customers who use Yaballe

Maor Moshi

Yaballe Dropshipping Software

Huge Time Saver

Before Profit Scraper I used to spend days trying to find items which often didn't sell and would waste my listing limits

Hon Chow

Profit Scraper Customer


The best item finder on the market - period. Don't bother looking elsewhere.

Amy Highsmith

Profit Scraper Customer

Frequently Asked Questions

What countries are supported by Profit Scraper?

For Amazon as the source store, Profit Scraper currently supports USA, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Germany and Italy.

For Walmart as the source store, Profit Scraper supports USA.

Will other members clone/copy my own eBay account using your software?

No! Profit Scraper has a built-in protection mechanism which you can use as long as you are a member. If any other user tries to enter your eBay ID into Profit Scraper, it won’t let them search your listings.

Can Profit Scraper upload items directly to my eBay account?

No, Profit Scraper is a product research tool only. We recommend that you use Yaballe to monitor and upload listings to your eBay account as they have the best customer service and features for the money.

Where Can I View Your Pricing Plans?

Simply click the "Get Started" button below to register your interest and view our pricing plans.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes we have an affiliate program that pays 20% recurring for the lifetime of any customer you refer. You cannot use the affiliate program for your own account.

To signup for the affiliate program, click here:

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